Default Style Editor
  • 10 Jul 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark
  • PDF

Default Style Editor

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Article summary

This page covers the features in the Style Editor.


Primary-Secondary Colors

Primary Color

  • Header background (or the top portion of each screen)
  • Button background color

Secondary Color

  • Header text
  • Footer Navigation
  • Button background when hovering
  • Banner background (If used)

The background and font colors of the bottom section of the screen are currently uncustomizable. The background is white, and font is black. On the buttons, the font changes between black or white depending on your color selections to ensure readability. If you would prefer more customization, feel free to fill out our feature request form.


We currently offer Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Roboto, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Poppins and Verdana.

The font chosen applies to all text in the RetentionEngine.

Font Size

For optimal aestetic value (and convenience), we autosize all of the text based on the character length for each field.

We accept PNG, SVG, JPG/JPEG and GIF formats. The max image size for a logo is 864x150. If you upload an image beyond one of those dimensions, the image will be scaled accordingly. The logo only appears on the Exit Survey screen.

Announcement Banner

This is an optional feature. It was created in the wake of COVID-19 to allow businesses to communicate important announcements to customers choosing to cancel.

Currently, we only support turning this feature off/on and editing the text. The font size is 12, and is not editable. The background color is your secondary color, and the text will be white or black depending on your color.

Exit Survey with Announcement Banner (1)

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