Customer Notifications
  • 30 Sep 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Customer Notifications

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Article summary

This article covers the emails that are sent to your customers and your team.

This tab is a work in progress. In the future, we'll add editing capabilities to these emails.

Instant Gift Notifications

The purpose of this notification is to let your team know that a customer has claimed a gift. Because there are a variety of use cases and ways to manage this, RetentionEngine does not automatically add this to the customer's next order. Thus, your team will need to take action to ensure the gift is sent to the customer.

Subject: Customer claimed a gift

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 3.04.11 PM.png

Customer Notifications

Customer claims a gift, pause or swaps a product

You have successfully claimed a discount on your subscription.
Thanks for staying with us!
Company Name

You have successfully claimed a gift on your subscription.
Thanks for staying with us!
Company Name

Customer pauses their subscription

Your subscription has been paused for 2 month(s). You will still receive orders that have already been paid for.
Thanks for staying with us!
Company Name

Customer cancels their subscription

Your subscription has been cancelled. You will still receive orders that have already been paid for.
We hope to serve you in the future!
Company Name

Customer's account is about to be reactivated

You previously claimed a pause on your subscription with us.
It will be reactivated in the next 2 days.
Thanks for staying with us
Company Name

Team Notifications

Customer claims a cancel resolution

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Customer pauses their subscription

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Customer cancels their subscription

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Customer's account is about to be reactivated

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 3.40.13 PM.png

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