Different Types of Cancel Resolutions
  • 19 Nov 2021
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Different Types of Cancel Resolutions

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Article summary

This article gives an overview of the treatment types, and a few ideas of when/how to use them. For more specific examples, check out our Treatment Template section!


When a customer accepts a discount treatment, the discount is automatically applied to their next charge.

On the backend, we have a few checks in place before we show a discount treatment to a customer. With these checks, we prevent customers from claiming discounts month after month. We also prevent coupon stacking, in case the customer already has a coupon applied to their next charge.


Relevant Information

This cancel resolution can be used to share non-financial incentives. These can include reminders of why they signed up originally, sneak peeks, social missions, tips, and more.

This treatment allows you to include a unique redirect link when the customer clicks to accept.

Cat Lady Sneak Peak

Contact Support

There are certain cases where you might want to talk with a customer before they cancel. The "Contact Support" treatment enables you to setup a call with the customer before they cancel.


The Gift Treatment enables you to offer a gift to your customers. This can be additional products, other products, or any other kind of gift you would like to offer. When a gift is accepted by a customer, a notification is sent to the owner of the account. Additional notifications can be set in the Notification settings.

Swap Plan/Product

The plan/product Swap treatment enable your customer to switch their product/plan instead of cancelling. You will need the product/plan ID in order to create a swap treatment.

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